eclipse to android studio Migration

Android Studio

Installing ANDROID STUDIO                                                                           

 Installation of the android studio is as follows .
Steps for the installation of the android studio
2)      Before installation make sure java is installed or not and if not then Download Oracle java latest version.
3)      Now install the android studio and follow the wizard 
There are two cases from which we can go through
1)      If we have the sdk of android studio then we can reference it while installation of the android studio while  the other one is
2)      Android studio will install the latest version by default for us for the development of the android application.
 Now wait for the android studio to be configured for us.

Steps For Migration

There are two ways for the migration of any eclipse android application to android studio
·         Eclipse Gradle creation
Steps are -
1)      Open Eclipse
2)      Select Project
3)      Right Click and then Select EXPORT a dialog will appear and then select the android option and then choose generate gradle build file as indicated in fig (1.1).
4)      And then proceed to the wizard.
5)      And so at the end of the finish operation , there is gradle file created in the workspace (if path is not changed )
6)      Then at the end we have to open eclipse and select our gradle file from the workspace path.
7)       And the rest of mapping and other stuff is maintained by the Android studio.
8)      Finally the project will be migrated to android studio (if not fix dependencies issues) 

fig 1

·         Migration from the Android studio
We have followed this way to migrate our whole project to android studio.

Steps are –

1)      Open Android studio
2)      Select option form quick start Import Project (Eclipse ADT, gradle, etc.)
3)      Then selecting project from the path.
4)      Now android studio will create all the basics to change our build to gradle while this migration changes our whole project structure to gradle structure.
5)      Now managing our dependency which we have done for the eclipse project (Important step)
6)      There are different ways to manage our dependency (external library) inside our new build.

fig 2
7)       Now after resolving the dependencies configuring our project to the android studio theme.

COMMON ERRORS While importing                                                                               

1)      Could not access the package manager. Is the system running?
Solution: - build error this and restart and check for the same
2)      Manifest Merging Failed
                               Solution: android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 10
targetSdkVersion 16}
Add this in build.gradle file inside app

3)      Missing ‘Application’ Error
Solution: - found this solution from stackoverflow.
4)      Importing Android Libraries
Solution: - this is the solution.
5)      Install missing platforms fig.3 reflect the same 

6)      Most Important errors which are coming inside our application is of external libraries which we are using inside our projects. And android studio is smart enough to find the issues and after disabling those sorts of libs it is ok but our project have the errors wherever we have used these libs.

Solution: - Ongoing

7)       Another problem which we are facing is  the build system problem with our code which is indicated in the fig .3

fig 3  

fig 4
8)      Time Out problem with the slow building process. 
Solution: - we have to create a in the root directory in android studio . And add this in the file. And build it again.


9)       Local path not found error 
Solution: - Just sync and build the app and make sure preferences in the module setting and their path

10)  Error because of more than 6536 methods in the code in our projects
Solution: - Adding the setting in build.gradle in app like below
dexOptions {

    jumboMode = true

    javaMaxHeapSize "4g"

                  Increasing the size of heap for the compiler
11)   Gradle 'All Sport' project refresh failed

12)  Coding standard problem with the new setting of the android lint like constructor calling  and not proper following of the guidelines of java and android application development.
13)   Most Common Errors:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'D:\xxxxx\sdk\build-tools\21.0.1\aapt.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1


About Abhsihek Chaubey

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